Advanced Example

Below are examples of some more advanced searches.

Multi-domain specification search with specific DS filters and conditions
The first query asks for things that complies with at least on of three different domain specifications with a fixed location. The location has for different domain specifications different models to store the address locality. In addition, things with a startDate should be only after a certain date

"sq:query": [
            "ds:compliesWith": {
                "sq:value": "",
                "sq:datatype": "iri"
            "schema:location": {
                "schema:address": {
                    "schema:addressLocality": "Jena"
            "schema:startDate": {
                "sq:value": "2022-04-27T00:00:00",
                "sq:op": ">="
            "ds:compliesWith": {
                "sq:value": "",
                "sq:datatype": "iri"
            "schema:address": {
                "schema:addressLocality": "Jena"
            "ds:compliesWith": {
                "sq:value": "",
                "sq:datatype": "iri"
            "schema:address": {
                "schema:addressLocality": "Jena"