Running example data
Throughout the documentation, we use the following running examples.
A full list of the current DZT domain specifications can be seen here.
Running examples
Event without identifiers
The following example is a JSON-LD file compliant with the Event domain specification.
"@type": "",
"":"This is the running example event description",
"":"Running example",
"": "2023-05-16T18:00:00+02:00",
"": "",
"": {
"@id": ""
Important, each entity needs to state to which Domain Specification it complies with:
"": {
"@id": ""
LocalBusiness with external identifier
Next, a LocalBusiness based on the DZT LocalBusiness domain specification with an external identifier Please note, that the PostalAddress has no explicit assigned identifier ( @id information are missing). During the import or update process, the system will assign an internal identifier to this object.
"@id": "",
"@type": "",
"": {
"@type": "",
"": "DE",
"": "city",
"": "1234",
"": "example street"
"": "A simple description about the local business",
"": "LocalBusinessTest",
"": {
"@id": ""
Updated 20 days ago
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