The KG platform uses several concepts to manage the data from various data providers and their data publisher. Each organization in the platform can act as data providers and/or as data publishers.
Named graphs for data provenance
We organize the data from clients in so called named graphs. A named graph is a set of graph statements that can be identified with a identifier in the knowledge graph.
One named graph is uniquely assigned to a publisher / data source pair, which also allows to assign various access rights to such named graphs. Each data manipulation operation ( create, delete or update) can only be performed on a single graph.
As a data provider you typically either act as a data source for a publisher or directly as publisher. In the former case, you should have received an invitation from a publisher as a data provider.
API data interaction format
All APIs currently expect or return the actual KG data in the JSON-LD format.
We accept any serialisation format of the JSON-LD spec. To find out more about JSON-LD please visit the official specification page.
Data modelling base on Domain Specifications
We use Domain Specifications to describe and verify the KG data models .
Further, we use such Domain Specifications also in certain read operations (e.g., to return the attributes as defined in the Domain Specification of a data item).
We will use some running example throughout the documentation to provide examples for the various API calls.
Updated 20 days ago