Updating objects
An existing object can be updated by calling the update endpoint with the identifier.
The identifier also needs to be present in the payload
Update operation and implications
The update operation deletes all existing objects with identifiers in the payload and then inserts the new data. As such, a partial description in the payload of an existing object in the knowledge graph would result in a full update of that object, and only the partial information would be stored.
Updating data and links to other objects
Links to other exciting objects should be in the data represented as just identifiers without any additional description of the to-be-link object. Otherwise, we would again perform an update on the linked object.
Example calls
Updating an object with an external identifier
If we want to update an object with an external identifier, then we need to call the API with the local name and namespace.
Update is deprecated, please use Upsert
Instead of PUT, combined with the instance's ID we recommend to use the upsert functionality, which is the HTTP PUT methoud without specifying an ID as a URL parameter.
This will make sure that in case an instance does not exist, it will be created and in case an instance exists it will be updated.
For an example, please visit the section Upsert of objects.
Updated 2 days ago